
Far Forest Lea MemorialCE Primary School


Remote Learning

Remote Learning at Far Forest Lea Memorial CE Primary School 


Each class page on our website has a detailed overview, resources and links for pupils to access at home. Follow the links to each class to discover more...

Our aim is to ensure pupils working from home have access to a creative curriculum which is skills and knowledge based which covers a variety of subjects.

Staff will provide guidance, resources and links to interactive lessons which support the learning objectives for each child. Subjects include RE, PHSE and Mindfulness based activities, PE, Science, History, Geography, Art or DT project-based tasks.

Access to Remote Collective Worship or links to pre-recorded Bible stories.



Information for Families 

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.


Once we are alerted that a child needs to self-isolate and access remote education,

  1. We consult with the family to establish the preferred method of working from home. (This may include issuing the child with workbooks, directing the family to the school website or staff uploading items of work to the school learning platform)
  2. Ensure the child has access to Learning Platforms with assistance provided.
  3. We provide an overview of learning objectives which are knowledge and skills based.
  4. Provide guidance and support


Parent Responsibilities

 To ensure that school has all current email addresses and phone numbers.

 To ensure that parents are connected through Microsoft Teams 

 To have a quiet space free from distractions for learning

 To ensure that teachers are aware of any barriers to accessing remote learning.

 To check for communication from pupil’s class teacher.

 To dedicate appropriate time to learning.

 To ensure pupils complete all work set through Microsoft Teams

 To inform teachers of any difficulties faced with work so that additional support can be provided.

 To be aware of online risks and monitor technology use, including the time spent.

 To have daily discussions about learning.


Pupils Responsibilities

 To work in a quiet space free from distractions.

 To dedicate appropriate time to learning.

 To ensure they have all required login information for appropriate apps.

 To connect through Microsoft Teams using the link provided to engage in home learning.

 To complete all work set through Microsoft Teams 

 To be aware of online risks.

 To have a daily discussion with parents about learning



We will also have Learning Packs and sometimes other paper based work to minimise on screen learning time.
Your child will have live feedback about their work during the classes, as well as feedback and marking on their completed tasks or quizzes. This is done each day to assess their learning and progress and ensure the work is tailored to their needs.


Technology Support 

Through surveys, we have identified families in need of device loaning. We are currently issuing devices to families that require support to overcome the barrier of lack of technology. 


Provision for Remote Education
