
Far Forest Lea MemorialCE Primary School


Mental Health and Well Being

Mental Health and Well Being

As well as implications for physical health, the unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19 is very likely to have a significant impact upon the emotional well-being of people around the world. It is a distressing, confusing and worrying time for adults for multiple reasons and it is likely that many children are experiencing high levels of anxiety. This may be exacerbated by finding it hard to fully comprehend what is happening or have difficulty in expressing their emotions verbally.
In response to this, the Educational Psychology Team at Worcestershire Children's First  have compiled a range of resources designed to help children. 


The team of Educational Psychologists can be contacted through the helpline on 01905 678200. 

They are able to offer emotional support by telephone to all schools and early years’ staff and can also be contacted to discuss bereavement support
