
Far Forest Lea MemorialCE Primary School


Reading at Home

It makes an enormous difference to your child’s progress in reading if you can support them at home by helping them to recognise words and sounds and ask questions about their book. We understand that children are tired after a long day at school, but even reading 1-2 pages, every day, can make a huge amount of difference.


A Book to Celebrate

Children in Reception and Year 1 will complete 3 guided reading sessions over the week and will become experts on their book. They will then receive this book as an e-book to share at home. This will be a book that they can reading confidently and fluently with very little support. A child will be considered fluent with the phonics book if they are reading 90% of the book accurately and without overtly segmenting and blending words they come across in the text. Our new phonics programme follows this mantra which is supported by research into reading. This approach builds confidence and allows children to showcase what they can read independently.

We hope you will be impressed by your child's fantastic reading!


A Book to Practise

The children will receive 1 Phonics book linked to their reading ability. When reading this book, please encourage your child to use the skills they have developed in their Phonics sessions to segment/ blend each word.


A Book to Share

The children also choose 1 library book to take home every week. This is a book to share at home with your child. If you have books at home that you are reading with your child at home please continue to do so. However, this must be done in addition to the phonics book that they are reading. Daily reading will support their fluency and help revise and review their phonics knowledge.


Useful websites to support reading
