Far Forest Lea MemorialCE Primary School
Welcome to Little Acorns Pre-School
Our pre-school nursery is led by a fully qualified teacher and our Early Years Leader. We follow the key areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage, providing stimulating activities for learning. A balance of child-initiated and adult-led opportunities encourage your child to learn new knowledge and skills in a fun and purposeful way.
The development and achievements of your child will be tracked and shared with you through Dojo and termly progress updates (termly parents evening / end of nursery report).
Being part of a school allows us to use facilities such as Forest school, PE hall, large playground for bike play and daily mile track. If you choose a place at our school in Reception your child will already be familiar with the building and staff.
Our Nursery Offer
Our Pre-School offers the following sessions:
Children can start pre-school from the term after their third birthday.
All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to 15 hours funding. Parents/carers can find out if they are eligible for 30 hours funding by clicking here. Additional hours are charged at £4.00 per hour.
Further details about this are available from the School Office.
Children who are staying all day can either have a school dinner or bring a packed lunch.
Families requiring extended hours can use our school wraparound care; either as part of your funded nursery hours or as additional hours charged at £4 per hour.
Breakfast club is available daily: 7.45-8.45 am.
After school care is available Mon-Weds: 3.15-5.15pm / Thurs & Fri: 3.15-4.45pm.
To find out more about our Pre-School, availability or to arrange a visit please contact us on the following telephone or office email.
01299 266 316