
Far Forest Lea MemorialCE Primary School



RE Curriculum Intent


At Far Forest Lea Memorial CE Primary School, the aim of Religious Education is to help children explore a wide range of religions, their community and beliefs and to provoke challenging questions. We aim for children to understand the way that religious beliefs shape our lives and our behaviour, develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues and enhance our spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We provide opportunities for children develop their sense of identity and belonging in order to flourish within communities. We aim to promote respect and open mindedness towards others with different religions and faiths. Strong links are made with our school Vision and Ethos of ‘Feed my Lambs’ alongside our 6 clear Christian values that are the bedrock of our Collective Worship.


More detail about how we will achieve our intent is outlined in our Curriculum Statement for RE below:

RE is taught in accordance with the local authority agreed syllabus. Children are taught through key questions each half term. Through our key questions children are taught about Christianity as well as other main world religions and are encouraged to ask questions and to express and develop their own beliefs and opinions.
Our RE Curriculum is designed to encourage the progression of children's knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other key world religions. We aim for children to be religiously literate by the end of their time at Far Forest, confidently talking about different religious views. This will provide a basis for all children to become thoughtful, responsible and caring citizens.