Far Forest Lea MemorialCE Primary School
We are proud of our uniform which we believe looks smart and contributes to the feeling of belonging to the family of the school. The school uniform is a white/red polo shirt, grey/black trousers/skirt/shorts, a red jumper/cardigan, black/white socks and black shoes. Uniform is ordered online; please see the school website for the link or ask at the office.
Children are encouraged to wear red (plain or school) caps at playtimes during very sunny weather to protect their skin from the sun. Children should be provided with sun cream and know how to apply it themselves. All items of clothing should be labelled with the child’s name to enable them to be traced if lost or mislaid.
Extreme hairstyles and the wearing of nail varnish and jewellery are not permitted.
In winter and summer boys and girls should wear sensible black school shoes. In the summer closed toe sensible sandals can be worn. No open toed sandals, boots or shoes with high heels.
PE Kit
The kit for boys and girls is a red or white T-shirt, black shorts and black trainingshoes/pumps, in a named PE bag. Trainers should be worn for outdoor lessons. When PE isindoors children should preferably be barefoot but black pumps can be worn if preferred.
In cold weather children can wear black tracksuit bottoms or leggings with a red school jumper/cardigan or the red school fleece. Long hair should be tied back and earrings removed or taped over. Hair below the shoulder should be tied back.
However, we understand the growing pressure on home-finances and where the list above suggests an item with a school badge, a plain high-street alternative in will of course, be accepted. We also have some spare uniform in school with lots of nearly new items which can accessed, please speak to a member of staff for availability.