
Far Forest Lea MemorialCE Primary School




Curriculum at Far Forest Lea Memorial CE Primary Academy


Our School Vision & Values


Our Far Forest family welcomes everybody as a unique child known to God. We nurture and provide opportunities for our pupils to grow into confident, caring and compassionate individuals, supporting all on their journey.

'Nurture  Care   Forgive'


Curriculum Intent


At Far Forest Primary Lea Memorial CE Primary Academy, our broad and balanced curriculum is built on the aims of the National Curriculum and in EYFS, Development Matters. We ensure that learning is ambitious and is planned sequentially so that it is effective, transferable, exciting and above all, adapted to the needs of all children. All pupils will secure firm foundations in Reading, Writing and Maths and this will underpin a growing excellence in foundation subjects. We believe in bringing learning to life, both indoors and outdoors, with an emphasis on engaging and purposeful learning. Quality texts allow our children to broaden their vocabulary, develop their speaking and listening skills and support all pupils to foster a love of reading. Our curriculum intent is to provide opportunities that will ignite imagination and curiosity within the children and enable them to develop as confident, articulate and well-rounded individuals who achieve academic excellence and are prepared for life beyond Far Forest Primary.


At Far Forest Primary, we place great value on developing the 'whole child' and provide inspirational, inclusive learning opportunities and experiences in our curriculum offer. Our Curriculum is also underpinned by our School Vision, with its Christian Distinctiveness and Core Values of ‘Nurture Care Forgive work in parallel with our key curriculum drivers of ‘Resilience’, ‘Diversity’, ‘Seeking Possibilities’ and Communication and Language’. We have taken great care to design our enquiry-based curriculum to ensure it is thought-provoking, challenging and nurtures children’s interests. Furthermore, planned substantive and disciplinary knowledge and skills in all of our subjects will allow our pupils to flourish and grow as experts in each area of learning.


Our Curriculum also teaches and encourages our pupils on how to stay safe, be ambitious, take risks with their learning, be courageous advocates and ask questions to deepen their understanding. Safeguarding our pupils is paramount. We ensure that our curriculum provides opportunities for our children to be armed with accurate information to keep them safe and help them to grow into caring, confident and compassionate individuals, supporting all on their journey so that they can be the best version of themselves.


Curriculum Progression documents and Outcomes


Our curriculum subjects have been categorised into four areas. 


  • Language and Communication (English, Geography, History & French)
  • Reasoning and Logic (Maths, DT & Computing)
  • Awe and Wonder (Science)
  • Well-being (PE, RE, PSHEC, Art & Music)



