
Far Forest Lea MemorialCE Primary School



Homework Expectations


10 minutes of daily reading of their fluency books.

These books MUST be brought back into school every day for an adult to listen to them read. 

Once pupils have read through a book, they need to notify and we can change to the next one within that same set. There are 5 within one set of books, after this pupils will be assessed and if there is improvement in fluency they can move up a level. 



10 minutes of daily practice. 

TT Rockstars is a fantastic fun tool to get your children to practice their times tables. 



10 minutes of daily spellings practice

(These will be tested every Thursday)



Handwriting sheets will be coming home every week. Given to pupils every Monday and due in on Friday. If pupils are improving their handwriting and it can clearly be seen throughout their work and through their homework. Pupils will have the opportunity to receive pen licenses to write in lesson in blue pen. 


Additional Homework 

There could be some additional English and Maths homework sent home occasionally. 

